Feng Shui
The Art of Creating
Sacred Space
I became interested in ‘sacred placement’ through other
energy work and massage. It has been a constant and on-going passion over the
last 20 years and has been a complimentary addition to the arts I’ve been
privileged to learn.
I have found a direct link between health, mental state and
spiritual awareness, and the aesthetic environment we occupy. I discovered
there was a comparable association with the meridians of the body and the
energy flowing round our homes and other areas we occupy in our daily lives. It
has been a long and fascinating journey so far and I’m not even half way
through! So, I thought, I’ll just ramble on about it in this article and see
where it leads me!
In the Orient, natural energy placement and geomancy is a
part of everyday life, and everything they do is in harmony with this. Even
architects take this into consideration when designing any structure. I’m sure
many of you, as children, have sat by a stream and watched the water flowing,
and noticed that if a stick or leaves gets trapped, the water carries on
flowing round it in gentle curves, and leaves the stagnant edges untouched.
This is what happens in the environment: energy flows in the same gentle curves
and where ever there are sharp corners or jagged edges, it creates a stagnant
area of energy. This is extremely unhealthy for us in our living quarters or
places of work as this stagnant energy creates similar sympathetically in us
and we are deeply affected by it.
In the East they design living areas in a more harmonious
way, allowing for energy to flow freely; not placing structures too close to
pylons, major roads, other tall imposing buildings and natural features like
mountains, rivers or underground fast flowing water, which create upheaval and
distress, even though we may be quite unaware of the effects!
In the West, we don’t care about things like this!
Architects are the new gods and build where and how they like. Prime building
land is a rare resource and properties are becoming more and more
suffocatingly small and crammed together.
However, it is possible to remedy the mistakes that occur in the places we live
and work, using sacred placement cures and ‘clutter clearance’ techniques
Clutter Clearance
The biggest sin we commit in the West is that we own too
much ‘stuff’ and actually don’t need half of it. We have it all stashed away or
gathering dust somewhere, blocking up those vital corners and preventing the
energy from flowing freely. We also tend to hang on to things that need repair
or that we may never ever use again but are too reluctant to get rid of. The
things we treasure that link us to our past and ancestry should be displayed in
a proud and beautiful way and tended to regularly to avoid dirt and decay.
Things that we use as part of our lives should be in good order and stored in a
harmonious and healthy way. Everything that is broken or damaged should be
repaired or disposed of. Everything that is surplus to our requirements should
be recycled to help others and keep the energy flowing. We have too many
projects on the go at one time, and often we can never finish them; they just
add to the clutter, or tie up valuable resources financially or energetically,
that could be better focused elsewhere.
It is never easy to attend to, or clear cluttered areas, and
the more that area of our dwelling is linked to an area of our life that needs
serious work, the less easy it will be to focus on it and deal with it! We
often use quite elaborate and convoluted ways of avoiding clearing the areas we
need to, as our conscious mind strives to maintain the status quo, whether it
is good for us or not! It is our subconscious mind that holds the picture of
harmony that we need to adopt and instinctively we know that it is right, but
still we are reluctant to effect the change we so need!
Clutter clearance is a constant and on-going task throughout
our lives, where ever we live or work, but it becomes so much a part of us and
easier to do as time goes on. Also it is advisable to do this in bite sized
chunks, as stirring up energy on a vast scale in your home, can create WW3 with
all sorts of emotional wounds laid bare! Do what needs to be done at the time
and take a break when you feel it is right to do so! Trust your feelings on
this, they will guide you well!
Sacred Space Remedies
Once you have broken the back of the clutter clearance, you
can begin to incorporate the ‘remedies’ to enhance the positive energies that
you are slowly uncovering and becoming accustomed to.
Check the perimeter of your property and heal any unhealthy
energy that is invading. Bury quartz crystals around the perimeter at intervals
and hang a pa kua mirror above the entrance. This will insure that only those
energies you want to enter do. Hang wind chimes at entrances to deter negative
energies and bring in ‘good’ energy with visitors. Use strategically placed
mirrors to deflect unwelcome energies from overlooking buildings, trees too
close, or pylons and other current carrying structures. Coils of stainless
steel wire can be buried in the earth to remedy underground water or other
invasive energies like ley lines, at their crossing points to and from, your
Entrance and Exit doors should not be opposite each other.
If they are, deflect energy by blocking path with mirrors, screens or beaded
curtains, so that you do not allow vital personal energies to flow straight
through and out, of the home.
Plants, and even cats and dogs, will cure sharp edges and
corners in rooms, or deflect blocked energy from an awkward corner; however,
dogs and cats tend to move about, so use other living things, birds, fish or
greenery for this cure. Avoid spiky plants and always have an odd number of
fish! Small mirrors that are just big enough to see your eye in, are also
perfect for this.
Internal doors tend to block energy when closed, or trap
energy behind them. Where sensible, change for screens or beaded curtains that
tinkle when touched. They have a wonderful effect on the energies of the living
Where possible, beds should never be end on to the door. This
is considered bad luck, as you leave your home feet first when you have passed
away, and death to an Oriental is bad luck! Remedy with a mirror on the back of
the bedroom door, or re-arrange the room. Make sure that you are not
overshadowed in your bed by too much tall imposing wardrobes. Heal with
strategically draped material or mirrored fronts. At night, cover mirrors that
are facing the bed, with material, so that the swirling energy does not keep
you awake or make you exhausted. Do not stuff too much junk under your bed if
you can help it, or place quartz crystals under your head area as a remedy if
you have to use the space for storage, and keep it as tidy as you can.
Place a set of wind chimes above your main cooking area and
a small mirror behind to reflect the positive energy of the cooking station
back into the home.
Chi and the Eight
A simple plan to help you understand the areas of your home,
office, or even desk, that are related to areas of your life, can be drawn to
help you to locate areas of your dwelling that relate to your mind, body or
spirit. Draw a rectangle, long sides horizontal. short sides vertical, on paper
in front of you. Divide into 2 rows of 4 squares. Starting bottom right and
going round clockwise, label the squares in this order:- Prosperity and Fame, Peace and Happiness,
Pleasure and Indulgence, New Beginnings, Relationships, Children and Family,
Wisdom and Experience, and Wealth and Money. Note where entrances fall in this
map, and use the same layout for each floor of your property. You will soon see
that certain areas may be misplaced and need changing around or remedying. Make any changes slowly and carefully, being
aware of the energy movement as you are doing this, and the feel of the energy
after each change has taken place. This is the fun part! feeling the energy
changes and the positive effects on your life. Playing with the energy and ‘tweaking’
it as you go, is all part of the transformation!
Give your home an
energy ‘spring-clean’ every so often, by using sound and incense to move
blocked or unwelcome energy. Smudge sticks waved into corners or swirled into
inaccessible places like under beds or in cupboards or wardrobes, and don’t
forget the loft or cellar, if you have them. Clapping, drumming, gongs, bells
and music are all very useful and appropriate for balancing and harmonising the
energies in your space. It can make you feel as if you have been on a Wurlitzer
afterward though, so make sure that you do this at an agreeable time for all
concerned. The folk you share your space with may not entirely embrace these
ideas, so do what you can and wait for the knock-on effects.
I have known these basic and simple techniques to cause all
sorts of disputes including divorce, as people’s energy reaches its’ full
potential, and others they share space with, resist change. There are stagnant
people as well as space, and they have to embrace the constant and ever
changing environment, or move to a space more in keeping with their needs. Life
is a constantly changing dynamic and to deny this is to invite discord in body
and mind. No one can dictate to another how space and time is used, it is
purely personal, and each of us has the final word on our choices in life.
Accept the things that ‘space clearing’ reveals about you and use this
knowledge to grow and strengthen in spirit.
Have fun playing with the energies in your personal space,
and ‘happy space clearing’ too! Grow and transform; enjoy yourselves!
Good luck
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