Sunday 25 June 2017

Corbyn's Glasters gig

So, Jeremy Corbyn goes from that vague dodgy uncle with the elbow pads to rock god in the blink of an eye! How many previous MP's have stood and spoken on the Pyramid stage at Glasters in the past I wonder?
"He's pulling in the youth vote by lying to them about college fees and housing" says a friend just now. So young people are thick are they? Tell you one thing they aren't, and that's dumb. If he sells them out, they won't ever forgive. Well, not until they are in their 50's and 60's and realise life often doesn't deliver as you would wish it. He will go from idol to villain quicker than you can say 'jump'. It's a big risk. He will be committing political suicide and that will be the end of the Labour Party for good and all. The Conservatives will rule the waves indefinitely.
To those people who voice dissent, I say, wait; If he crashes and burns it will be quick, and you will have proved your point. If he gets to actualise all the dreams he has put forward, we all gain (well, apart from the 1% super rich who don't like anything that rocks their boat) and if it all goes tits up, then the super rich still hold all the cards and the rest of us just get dragged along in the wash. We have nothing to lose either way (unless you are one of the super rich, of course!)
People fear change, but there is nothing but constant change. The universe is continually changing, and we can only embrace it and enjoy the trip in a proactive way, or lose our shit and struggle.
>>A Buddhist goes to a hot dog vendor and the vendor asks him "Hey buddy what can I make you?".
"Make me one with everything" replies the Buddhist.<<

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