Friday 23 December 2016

Winter Solstice musings

  The sun is born again and this is a time of letting go of old outmoded things and moving into a new phase. It is affecting every single person I know in some way shape or form and all we can do is welcome the new forward and kiss the redundant a fond farewell. There was a big hoo haa about 2012 that year, but there is never a true timescale in nature. All that was predicted at the 2012 apocalyptic blurg is kindof trailing through nowish, and us humans are playing catch-up as we always do. Just now as I was thanking Brother Sun and blowing out the candles, I remembered that the sun always comes back and shines on us again without fail. There is always light after a period of dark. The two exist in perfect balance and so too do our lives under that same sun. I wish for a new dawn for everyone and for a safe passage through life and its inevitable turmoils. 

   As my gobby uncle used to say to me when I was a nipper, in his gruff East End London way, "its all part of life's rich tapestry, Gewl, and you better fuckin' get used to it", lol, bless him and his lot as they were the stuff of an old guard that we have fortunately inherited. That street-level persistence, resilience and wisdom that always gets us through any crisis. Him and several of my relatives got bombed out during the war and lost everything, but they bounced back, using some force that only people in those situations seem to be able to access. They are long gone but their spirit is alive and well in us, the descendants.

  Wishing everyone a happy and peaceful 2017

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